Thursday, January 18, 2007

What Will They Think of Next?

Remember when I said nothing in the pet toy business surprised me anymore? Well, this one did. More like stunned me.

A binkie for your puppy? In blue and pink? Yep, the folks at Kong have hijacked our puppies and turned them into babies.

The Puppy Kong Binkie comes in three sizes ($5.99-$9.99), and is recommended for those teething little puppies until their adult teeth come (6-9 months).

I've seen the binkie at Concord Pet and lots of online retailers. But you go ahead. I'll be here, waiting for the next surprising thing.


Anonymous said...

I don't know .. they alreayd have pet strollers and diapers and leashes -- dogs had those first. Mauybe a crib???

Anonymous said...

Maybe a baby bottle for puppies. Or a bonnet -- Yikes to it all.