Sunday, January 14, 2007

A Cat, A Bungee-Jumping Mouse and a Funny Commercial

How come we don't get commercials like this in the United States? Why do the British get all the fun? Although I do love the Bud Light commercial when the sitter at the vet office hauls out the animals as "sled dogs" to get to the Bud Light at his girlfriend's house during a raging blizzard.

What's your favorite TV commercial featuring animals?


Anonymous said...

I love the Bud Light one with the stand-in sled dogs. Love the little creature on the leed.

Anonymous said...

Love that Aflack duck. The new oine when he's a super hero is the best.

Anonymous said...

I like the onw where the dog, and cat and bird come racing out of the house when the people are supposed to pet-sitting for there neighbors.