Sunday, July 16, 2006

One Cheer for the Ovaries

First a disclaimer: I renamed this blog "Of Pets and People," for more flexibility. Some of the time we'll talk about pets, other times, pets and people, and sometimes, just people. It's the latter today.

All of us have those times in life when by the way we're addressed or the questions we're asked, we know something has changed. Call it rite of passage through public address.

You know, the first time in your early 20s when you walk up to the counter at McDonald's and the kid says, "Can I take your order, M'am?"

Or, late in your 20s or early 30s, when they stop asking for your ID at your favorite liquor store or bar.

Or in your mid-30s when the telemarketer asks for "Mrs. Fredel" and you turn around looking for your mom.

It happened again, this time in my 46th year. My husband made me go to a walk-in clinic one evening last week when I wasn't getting over a nagging cough. The nurse asked about any chronic conditions, current medications or allergies. Then came the cannon shot over the middle-age bow: "Are you still menstruating?" It struck both ovaries at once. In between raspy coughs, I almost shouted, "Yes." "And the date your last cycle started?" "June 29," I said proudly.

I wonder how soon it will be until they start asking if I'm eligible for the senior discount at my favorite restaurant.

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