Monday, July 31, 2006

More Reasons to See 'An Inconvenient Truth'

3 out of 4 conservatives agree...

Need a reason to see "An Inconvenient Truth"? I've got one:

107 degrees

That was the reading on our Weather Channel time and temperature gauge in the house this morning about 9:30. We have a measuring device attached to the side of the house, and I'm sure it was getting full sun. We're finally getting the heat wave that has been melting the rest of the country. (Make sure your pets are comfortable: Extra water, ice cubes in the water bowl, a chance to rest in from the air conditioner or fan, a trim at the groomer's, no unnecessary time in a parked car.)

Is our heat wave connected to global warming? That is the question. Almost all scientists agree that the planet's CO2 levels are increasing dramatically. They disagree on whether those increased levels are causing harm. See "An Inconvenient Truth" (9:35 p.m. through Thursday at Brandywine Town Center). Take your kids, too. They'll learn a lot about science and nature in -- dare I say -- an entertaining way. And the theater will offer a cool respite from the stifling heat.

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