Friday, July 14, 2006

Of Shamu, Husbands, Wives and Happy Marriages

Do you think animals can't teach us anything about having a happy marriage? Amy Sutherland, the author of "Kicked, Bitten and Scratched: Life and Lessons at the Premier School for Exotic Animal Trainers," disagrees. And she put what she picked up observing at a school for exotic animal trainers to the test on Scott, her husband of 12 years.

She writes about this test and what it taught her in a June 25 column for The New York Times with the headline, "Modern Love: What Shamu Taught Me About a Happy Marriage." Today, almost three weeks later, that column is still the most e-mailed piece from the paper.

Read it and we'll discuss.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm ... her's what I think. It's interesting that she used all of these techniques on him, told him about it and then he used them on her. They really are compatible, and I don't think getting him to find his keys without her help or not hovering so close when she did dishes had anything to do with it.