Thursday, September 06, 2007

The Worst Possible Jury for Michael Vick

A pet-loving friend of ours sent us of this cartoon. (We got permission from the artist's syndicate to publish it here for a small sum. We do respect the sanctity of the copyright.)

Anyway, I love the cartoon. Scooby-Doo and Snoopy sure have the hate vibe going on, don't they? And the best thing is that Michael Vick looks, well, just a bit unsure of what he's up against. This is probably why he pleaded guilty -- too afraid to face a jury of his peers.

The cartoonist's name is Gary Varvel, and he's got a blog on the Web site of his home paper, The Indianapolis Star, if you want to see more of his work. Here is Gary's blog post for this cartoon:

"I just had a contest for guessing the caricatures so I'm not going to do another one so soon. But I will name for you the cartoon dogs in my cartoon. Back Row from the left: Scooby Doo, Goofy, Underdog, Astro (from the Jetsons). Front Row from the left: Snoopy, Droopy, Grimmy (from Mother Goose and Grim comic strip) and Ren (from Ren and Stimpy animated TV show)."

Gary's syndicate rep says lots of papers picked up this cartoon, so enjoy -- and share it with your dog-loving friends.


Anonymous said...

do i dare say it .. o, what the heck .. that's dog-gone funny

Anonymous said...

Snoopy looks mad.