Saturday, September 16, 2006

Tiki, the Winner of the Pet Pedometer

A while back I offered a free pet pedometer to anyone with the best need for his or her pet. Jessica Jordan of Wilmington nominated Tiki. A few words from her note:

"What has happened is that she has bad knees. My friend and I were flabbergasted! A dog, who is not even 2, has bad knees! What happens is that the knee comes out of place and we have to pop in into place when it comes out. Of course, with this comes meds for the knees and aspirin for doggie. We we told if this keeps up, we should try their doggie chiropractor, then if that still doesn't work surgery.

"So, to get back to the main point of this whole thing. My baby still has to exercise, and needs to lose 3 pounds. I know that is not a lot in a person's eyes, but it is for a pup that has a 'bum' knee. But, we have to exercise her daily. Having this item to measure her exercise will be great
so we can keep a running scale of how much exercise she is getting, and if it is increasing or decreasing in a day/week/month."

I knew Tiki really needed the pet pedometer. Here's what Jessica wrote after the first few days:
"Just wanted to let you know that we received the pedometer and surprisingly, she doesn't mind wearing it! In fact, she doesn't like her daddy and I to take it off of her when she goes in her crate in the morning. :)

"Here are some pictures of her after a walk and a game of fetch in the back yard. You can tell she is exhausted. Sorry for the quality of the pictures, it was taken with my phone."

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