Friday, September 01, 2006

Pupperware Party Sounds Like Fun

We've all been to a Tupperware party or two -- or 10. How about combining the social atmosphere and the buying with pets? A couple of companies -- Shure Pets and Petlane -- apply the direct marketing concept to dogs, cats bunnies and more. At most of the parties, you not only get to see and play with the items, but so can your dog. (Be real, most cats wouldn't deign to show up at such a soiree.)

The shorthand for these parties: Pupperware or Pet Pawties. You can buy toys, treats, pet beds, apparel, grooming items, pet-themed gifts, etc.

There's a Shure Pets sales person -- called a pack leader -- in our area. Gregory Knappenberger can be reached at 235-7012 or At Petlane, there's a toll-free number -- (888) 870-8324 -- to call if you're interesed in hosting a party. The pet bed (top right) is one of its popular items. Snuggly ($79.99) is made from suede cloth and is machine washable.

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