Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dalmadora? No. He's Her Mutt!

In May, I blogged about meeting my first Dalmadora - a combination of a black Lab and a Dalmatian - at the Delaware City Pet Parade. I didn't have a chance to take photo of the dog and I asked if anyone had a photo of one or owned one, to e-mail me a picture. Lo and behold, Heather Baker of Newark answered my call this week.

Her Dalmadora is named Toby. She found him 10 years ago on Del. 41 in Hockessin trying to cross the road.

"I figured I could have a big dog, or a big dead dog. ... He is a wonderful pet, although anyone who would intentionally cross these two breeds ... it's still a mutt!! And a crazy combination at that!"

Heather included these stats about Toby:
  • Found 7-4-99

  • Lab/Dalmatian Cross

  • 77lbs

  • Will eat anything, including oranges.

  • Was in SPCA for a week before I couldn't stop thinking about him and went and got him.

  • His real owners never showed up, but according to the vet he had been on the street a long while.

  • He loves blankets, beds, pillows and couches, second only to food.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Coco is the Loofa Dog Winner

In the December issue of Delaware Pets, we offered a camouflage-wearing Loofa Dog to one winner picked at random from entries. The winner is Coco. Here's her entry from her owner Cookie Cohen of Wilmington:

"Coco is a rat terrier. She was a Katrina victim and no one claimed her for 8 months while they kept her in a cage. She was found swimming in the waters and emaciated. They even had volunteers from state to state to get her to me, which I thought was a godsend because in this day and age not too many angels are left. But I got Coco because my mom died and I was grieving and needed something to keep me busy.

"Coco loves to attack new toys, they keep her busy. Especially when it's raining out she will cower because of memories I guess. But I find if I get her toys she can keep herself busy. She is my companion and I love her. She shares my home with Muffy, my 15-year-old cat and they get along fine as well."

So, here's to Coco and Cookie - and what they provide for each other. Enjoy the Loofa Dog.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Finding a Home, Thanks to LaMancha Animal Rescue

In each issue of Delaware Pets, we have featured an animal rescue or foster program. In December, we featured LaMancha Animal Rescue, a nonprofit in Unionville, Pa., that offers shelter for horses, Karelian bear dogs and other pooches and cats, and occasionally, goats and exotic animals.

The connections these shelters and groups provide to the animal lovers who seek them out always leave me with a sense of awe. Here's the latest connection, courtesy of Angela Maria Liberatore, who sent these photos and this note:

"Over the years, my husband and I have adopted three dogs from LaMancha. The oldest, 13 years old, is a golden retriever; the black & white is a 7-year-old Karelian Bear dog (who is in both photos clowning around); and the last one we adopted three months ago is now 13 months old and is a black lab mix.

"Some day, we will adopt two kittens from LaMancha."

Friday, January 09, 2009

Do You Roomba?

This cat sure can Roomba? Would your pet take a ride like this, or would it be too scared of the contraption to go near it?

Most of our dogs and all of cats were way too scared of regular vacuum cleaners to go near them, which I always found odd because all of the dogs absolutely loved to stick their heads out of car windows, so you knew they didn't mind a little breeze in their faces.

Do You Roomba?

This cat sure can Roomba? Would your pet take a ride like this, or would it be too scared of the contraption to go near it?

Most of our dogs and all of cats were way too scared of regular vacuum cleaners to go near them, which I always found odd because all of the dogs absolutely loved to stick their heads out of car windows, so they didn't mind the breeze in their faces.