Wednesday, February 04, 2009

What Life Is About

This is a great little video that a colleague told me about. She told me to search for "Bonnie Hunt," "baby" and "dog." So, I did.

And this is what I found: A little world in which everyone sees each other's differences and chooses love just the same.

I think the video is even more fun with the live studio audience's reactions.



Anonymous said...

Yeah it is very cute BUT the person videoing could have had a rude awakening. Often when a dog is in a deep sleep and something touches its paw they awake with a start - not aggressive but just a movement that might have injured the baby in some way - this dog, any dog, might have reacted quite differently - thankfully all's well, that ends well. Just think - Boxers are sometimes included on "Dangerous Dog Breed" lists.........

Anonymous said...

And that my friend, is 1 of the many reasons why I have a Boxer! Karen ~ Newark, Delaware

Anonymous said...

Why don't you google, two girls and one cup. I think you will like what you see.