Thursday, August 02, 2007

Who Knew?

Who knew .. that bunny jumping was a competitive sport?


Megan D. Lehman said...

Wow! What amazing bunnies! I knew they were smarter than people realized, but so talented! :)
I love the way the one at the beginning jumps over the thing, then gets up on his back legs when he knows his owner's about to pick him up. He knows he did well :)

CanalSide Editor said...

Rabbits are so incredibly intelligent. They are superior beings. Once you own them you are ruined for life. Important for folks to know THEY NEED EXERCISE - just like dogs. They will go crazy if you just leave them in a cage. It is cruel and inhumane. Rabbits are highly social, inquisitive and physical animals. They enjoy rabbit company - (just be sure they are neutered!!). Parents looking for a pet for their children need to read up before choosing a rabbit.
:- ) Oh - and I agree with does appear the bunny stands up in order for his owner to pick him up! Awesome!