Friday, August 25, 2006

Some Real Fast-Looking Fish

A while back I wrote about painted glass tetras -- small fish with what look like different colors of racing stripes the length of their tops and/or bottoms. They're injected with dye -- lime green, hot pink, dayglow orange -- to give them that effect. The dye isn't harmful and it eventually fades.

almo saw the post and offered photos of his/her fish. "The first one is not very clear.. but.. ya get the idea. :)"

Very cool, almo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let everyone know that Painted Glass tetras are not the best choice for your home aquarium. First off, they are INJECTED with dye...this means that they are taken out of the water, pierced with a syringe and injected with the colors you see them sporting in your local fish store. This causes a pretty good amount of stress to the fish, which in turn, can cause them to be more susceptible to disease and infection. Which brings me to my second point, by being subjected to stress, they become carriers for disease. I worked in a local fish store for 3 years and out of all the fish we ever stocked, the painted glass tetras were the most unhealthy. We just couldn't seem to get a good batch, no matter what supplier we got them from, so we stopped keeping them in stock. I have heard many horror stories from customers who put these fish in their home aquaria only to find that in a short while ALL of their fish had come down with some disease and were dying. I have seen one painted glass tetra take out a whole tank of fish with it's disease. Of course, there are people out there who have had luck with them, I just wouldn't recommend them to anyone. Just a warning.