Monday, May 15, 2006

For the (Too Much) Love of Pets

Normally, advertising and marketing don't get to me. As we say at a communications company, they help pay my salary. But two in the Sunday paper got me going.

One was a full-page ad in the coupon section for a 13-inch high lighted sculpture featuring -- get this -- dozens of beagles at play trimming the tree. As in Christmas tree. As in May. For $129, plus shipping. As Charlie Brown would say, "Arggghhh!"

The other was a lilac-colored coupon ad flier for Cesar Select Dinners -- dog food. I admit the the photo of the cute Boston terrier got to me and so did the words: "I promise/to wait up until you get home/to never run out of kisses/to clean my plate if it's filled with filet mignon." (I would do all of those things for filet mignon.) The flier included a 25-cent coupon to try a can. Can't small dogs have Science Diet like my dog did?

What do you think? Are we too fanatical about our pets? Do we spoil them too much?

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