Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Fluffy Is Back Home

Fluffy, the 7-year-old beautiful cat of a friend of mine, is back home. He literally had been holed up under their neighbor's shed, and she and her family tried everything to coax him out. Among their techniques first, to find, and, later, to recover their beloved Fluff:

* Called local shelters to see if they had a cat matching his description.
* Posted fliers around the neighborhood and took out an ad in The News Journal.
* Bought a Havahart humane trap, which was baited with a trail of sardines and catnip, and they used a pillowcase inside to lure him with the smell. They even had a glowstick loaded on the top so they could see if it had been activated.
* Put another cat, Frisk, in a harness and took him out to the shed to try to draw him out.
* Used their video camera, which has a night-vision feature, to see their back yard in the dark.

You get the idea that these people really love Fluff, don't you?

Finally, the humane trap worked, and Fluff was brought back inside their house, where he promptly hid under the bed. Since then, he has reacclimated and has been checked by a vet. A warm ear was nothing and blood work will check for any liver abnormalities because of dehydration. All of which pales in comparison to these thoughts from my friend:

"He spent the night on my pillow, waking me up all night for rubs and kisses which I was happy to dispense."

Fluff is lucky, indeed.

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