Friday, February 23, 2007

A Cat Confession

Lil' Ray has changed my mind.

I didn't always like cats. I loved them on the farm I grew up on. There was Wendy, the one-eyed calico cat, and McMurphy, who spent too much time outside one winter and lost the tip of an ear. One cat actually liked to swim in the water of the tank in which we cooled the cans of milk. We thought he was wacky.

Then years later, along came Thyroid. Friends of mine moved to London and didn't think Thyroid would survive quarantine. They couldn't find another willing adoptive family, so I took him. Or was it a her?

Thyroid ran away the first day I had him. Giving him up for lost after scouring the neighborhood for hours, I found him hanging from the screen door. We had other incidents -- I accidentally left him in a spare bedroom overnight; he peed on the base board right in front of me to show his displeasure. He brought in fleas; I flea bombed the house.

The worst came one morning in bed when I found him sprawled on my chest with his right paw raised over my nose. He was going to kill me.

Thyroid and I had to part ways when I moved, and he ended up with a nice older lady. I said my prayers for her.

I loved all of my sisters' cats -- Coach and Tigger, Speedy and especially Sylvester.

Fast forward to today. After looking at more than 500 photos of cats and kittens for our cutest cat contest, I have a new appreciation for them and the people who love them.

Like Lil' Ray. And Linda Wildasin of Lewes, her human companion.

Linda sent this note with her entry: "She was found in the woods as a newborn with her umbilical cord still attached. Her sibling had died. I bottle raised her. She is now 2 years old. She was about 6 weeks old in this picture. I'm her adopted Mother."

I think I will always be a "dog person," but I've found a new place in my heart for all of these special cats. Good luck to everyone in the contest.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Love Those Monkey Videos

Monkeys are such curious creatures -- we never get tired of watching them. If not a monkey, what do you think is the most curious animal?

A Martini -- With a Canine Twist

In honor of the Delaware Humane Association's Muttini Mixer on Saturday, Reyka Vodka will unveil a special martini recipe: The Rin-Tin-Tini. The recipe:

The Rin-Tin-Tini
1 ounce Reyka vodka
1/2 ounce Bols Framboise or raspberry liquer
2 ounces pineapple juice

Shake, strain into strain into martini glass and garnish with a single fresh raspberry.

Enjoy -- with your favorite pet nearby!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

It's Caption Writing Time!

Proud owner Danielle Brennan of Wilmington sent in this photo of Chloe for our cutest cat and kitten contests. She writes: "This is Chloe, she is almost 4 years old and is hands-down the cutest cat in Delaware!"

That will be for the judges to decide, but in the meantime we need your captions. This reminds me of a scene from the "The Blair Witch Project." So let your imaginations go.

For starters: "Ah, hello, Mr. Cameraman. I know this a reality series to determine the cutest cat, but can't I have just a little privacy during lunch."

Don't Forget the Muttini Mixer

Our friends at the Delaware Humane Association begin celebrating their 50th anniversary with Muttini Mixer, a cocktail party in which not only people but dogs are invited -- and welcome.

The bash will be hosted by Channel 10's Aditi Roy from 6-9 p.m. Saturday at the Residences at Rodney Square - Great Room, 902 N. Market St. in Wilmington.

Cost is $50 per person (dogs get in free) and heavy hors d'oeuvres and cocktails will be served. (Watch those dogs who like one too many Guinnesses.)

Visit the shelter's Web site or give them a call at 571-0111.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Attention: All Salute Gunny

You remember Gunny -- how could you forget a sweet face like that? -- the 14-month-old English bulldog whose owner sent in a photo to delawareonline. I popped it on my blog in January and invited readers to write captions. Now, we find out that Gunny is going to be a calendar dog. Barb writes:

"The folks at zeldawisdom just called and -- guess what? -- ... Gunny won 2nd place in the Adore-A-Bull
contest. He won a pawgraphed copy of Zelda's book and asked if they can use his photo in next year's calendar. Isn't that just so cool? The woman told me that she had hundreds of e-mails to them telling them that they had family in the military and how handsome Gunny looked. ... Thanks again for the votes. (He lost first place by only 40 votes). Regards, Barb. & Gunny."

Gunny's "big brother" is a Marine, and he's owned by Barb and Louie Freda of New Londa, Pa. Semper Fi, Gunny

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Lessons from a Cute Cat Contest

Hundreds of photos pour in for a contest looking for the cutest kitten and cat. You look at them and marvel at all of the cuteness, and you wonder how judges will ever come up with the winners. And then you open one e-mail and your whole perspective changes:

"This is my daughter's kitten, Dewey," Vicki Allen writes. "He recently lost his battle with FIP at 5 months of age. It is a little known feline disease that there is no cure for, it is horrible. We know he can't win your contest, but we thought he was the cutest cat around! Check out his paws, he had 7 toes on each front paw!!!"

There is nothing more beautiful than a pet who has been loved. Dewey was one lucky kitten.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Dog Joke of the Day

This joke comes courtesy of Rand, who organizes the Wilmington Crazy Dogs Meetup. If you have a crazy dog, check out his group. In the meantime, enjoy the joke:

Guy is driving around and he sees a sign in front of a house: "Talking Dog For Sale."

He rings the bell and the owner tells him the dog is in the backyard. The guy goes into the backyard and sees a Labrador retriever sitting there.

"You talk?" he asks.

"Yep," the Lab replies.

"So, what's your story?"

The Lab looks up and says, "Well, I discovered that I could talk when I was pretty young and I wanted to help the government, so I told the CIA about my gift, and in no time at all they had me jetting from country to country, sitting in rooms with spies and world leaders, because no one figured a dog would be eavesdropping. I was one of their most valuable spies for eight
years running.

"But the jetting around really tired me out, and I knew I wasn't getting any younger so I wanted to settle down.

"I signed up for a job at the airport to do some undercover security work, mostly wandering near suspicious characters and listening in. I uncovered some incredible dealings and was awarded a batch of medals. I got married, had a mess of puppies, and now I'm just retired."

The guy is amazed. He goes back in and asks the owner what he wants for the dog.

"Ten dollars."

The guy says, "This dog is amazing. Why on earth are you selling him so cheap?"

"Because he's a liar. He didn't do any of that crap."

Thursday, February 15, 2007

That Sad (and Important) Pedigree Commercial

If that doesn't make you want to help, nothing will. That's David Duchovny ("X-Files") on the voice-over. Perfect.

Pedigree is matching donations to the humane association. Just go its website and you can help in any number of ways.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Martha Was Right!

If you need a tip on the Powerball numbers, you might want to ask Martha Doerner.

When we asked Doerner, secretary of the Wilmington Kennel Club, for a winner at Westminster she told us to keep an eye on an English springer spaniel with a local handler. Yep, that was James and handler Kellie Fitzgerald of Bear who won the whole thing Tuesday night in New York. Spot on, Martha!

The victory makes Fitzgerald only the third female handler with multiple Best in Show wins at Westminster. Anne Rogers Clark, who lived in Greenwood for years and died Dec. 20 at a friend's home in Wilmington, won Westminster three times. Michelle Ostermiller won back-to-back titles in 2004 and 2005

Fitzgerald and James made the rounds of the morning talk shows, and James had the traditional plate of chopped sirloin at lunchtime at Sardi's. The two are expected back in Bear this week before James starts his retirement with his owners in Virginia.

And an early reminder: If you want to see what a dog show looks like in person, reserve April 27-28. Those are the dates for the Wilmington Kennel Club's dog show at Lums Pond State Park.

A Couple of Pet Valentines

What's a snow/ice/sleet/Valentine's Day without some time with your favorite pet?

TOP: McWillTribe submitted the photo with this caption: "Rocco is checking for frost bite!"

BOTTOM: Derrick Wright II, 13, tries to sled on the hill today at Glasgow Park with his dog Peeble in this photo taken by our Director of Photography Ron Soliman.

Submit your own captions -- or better yet more snow/ice/sleet photos with your pet. E-mail them to and I'll post them on the blog.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A Horse, a Goat and a Friendship

My sister stables her racehorses in Bowie, Md. Thoroughbreds by their nature have a tendency to be high-strung, but the stable has found a low-tech way to calm one of the horses.

Billy the goat has befriended Top of the Tree, a 3-year-old black filly who won her last race at Laurel Park and who has a habit of pacing in her stall.

"[Billy] sort of goes visiting stall to stall," my sister Ellen says. "But he and the filly seem to have a special bond." Top of the Tree lies down in her stall and puts her head on the goat's body. And Billy doesn't mind.

As Humphrey Bogart said in "Casablanca," I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Vegas Says Dog with Local Ties the Westminster Favorite

For the first time, Las Vegas is posting odds for Westminster in one of its casinos, and the favorite is a dog with local ties.

James, the English springer spaniel (photo) whose handler, Kellie Fitzgerald, lives in Bear, is the top choice at 25-1. James won the AKC/Eukanuka show in December in Long Beach, Calif. Second pick is Bill Cosby's Dandie Dinmont terrier Harry at 28-1.

But don't even think about calling someone you know in Vegas to get a bet down for you. The lines are for entertainment only.

"I've done a lot of events -- 'American Idol' and the Oscars and others -- so we thought it'd be fun to add Westminster," said John Avello, director of race and sports operations at Wynn Las Vegas.
James, a ka Diamond Jim, will be the last breed judged Tuesday at 3:15 p.m. Should he advance, he'll be judged in the sporting group, with the winner of that advancing into the Best in Show.
TV coverage starts at 8 tonight and Tuesday on USA Network, with Best in Show announced just before 11 p.m. Tuesday.

5 Cheers for the Chicks

So, the Dixie Chicks win all five Grammys they were up last night, including album, record and single of the year, and how do they handle it?

They were humble, even a bit embarrassed, and worried about what they had put their families through the last few years. And grateful.

"I think people are using their freedom of speech here tonight with all of these awards. We get the message," said singer Natalie Maines, who unleashed a firestorm when she said during a 2003 concert in England: "Just so you know, we're ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas."

The group was blacklisted by country radio, fans boycotted their concerts, a couple of nuts even made death threats and country legend Reba McEntire made fun of them at a country music awards show. (Great cut to a reaction shot of McEntire after the Chicks won single of the year last night.)

Fast forward to 2006. The Dixie Chicks resurface with plenty more to say in the the rock-leaning "Taking the Long Way" and the single, "Not Ready to Make Nice," in which Maines sings even if they could take back what she said, they aren't sure they would.

Sunday night, they might have been artists without a genre, but the world heard what they had to say -- and they kinda liked it.

To listen to samples, go to

Even the Pug Looks Cold

Sammy Calagione of Lewes holds his 4-month-old pug Kiki during the WinterFest Block Party on Saturday in Lewes.


Kiki, who won first place in the formal wear competition, looks like he/she needed formal long underwear for the pet parade.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Beauty of Rescues

In the current issue of Delaware Pets, we profile Delaware Puppy Rescue and the fine work they do. Dianne Hess, the group's founder, says the goal is to help as many dogs as she can. "I want to save them from suffering," she says. We asked readers to share photos and stories about the puppies they adopte from the group. Casey (above) was adopted by Angie Quinn. Here's what she wrote about the difference Casey has made in her life:
"We adopted [Casey] from Delaware Puppy Rescue on March 10th, 2006. We had a German shepherd for nine years, but he had to be put down because of cancer in January of 2006. I never thought I could ever find another dog to fill the void he left us. BUT, when going online one night, looking for a rescue dog, I saw Casey's picture - and I just knew that we had to have her. Her face was just priceless. She is such a happy dog and a good dog, and we are so very lucky to have her."
Looking for a puppy? Go to Have a story to share about a puppy you adopted from the group? Share it here or send an email/photo to me at

Friday, February 09, 2007

Choose a Celebrity's Pet

The good folks at the Delaware Humane Association have a fundraiser coming up Feb. 24 called Muttini Mixer from 6-9 p.m. at the Residences at Rodney Square. It's the kickoff to a big year of events marking the shelter's 50th anniversary. (Dogs are invited to the soiree, by the way. Cost is $50 per person.)

Aditi Roy, who works for Channel 10 in Philadelphia and is the station's weekend anchor, will be the party's host. To make the event even more fun, the shelter wants people to vote on the perfect pet for Roy. Go to its website and vote. My vote went to Aditi and Lady (above).

Thursday, February 08, 2007

A Truly Must-See Movie

"Pan's Labyrinth" doesn't have anything to do with pets -- I can't think of a single pet in the movie. But I so enjoyed its originality that I wanted to pass the word. It's a fairy tale for adults with stunning visuals -- just check out the trailer -- set in the fascist Spain of 1944. Read a review at

A Local Contender at Westminster?

The big dog show of the year, Westminster, will be on USA Network at 8 p.m. Monday and Tuesday. The Best in Show winner will be named at the end of Tuesday's broadcast, around 11 p.m.

Martha Doerner, secretary of the Wilmington Kennel Club, says there is no clear favorite this year as there was last year with the colored bull terrier named Rufus, or Ch Rocky Top's Sundance Kid.

Doerner says to keep an eye on the English springer spaniel whose handler is Kellie Fitzgerald from the Newark area. Ch Felicitys Diamond Jim won Best in Show at the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship (above photo) in December in Long Beach, Calif. (I assume that's like winning the Golden Globe leading up to the Oscars.) The spaniel is owned by a group from Fairfax Station, Va.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

My Favorite Photos of the Day

Giving equal time to dogs and cats can never be wrong. Now, it's caption time.

The top photo was submitted by Purrpurrs200, who writes: "3 month old brother and sister, Remington and Cali wait anxiously for the mailman."

The bottom photo was submitted for our Cutest Cat Contest -- and just because it is on this blog in no way indicates that these cats have a better or worse chance of winning. That's up to our independent judges. Darren Dorman sent it in and writes: "Here is a picture of Oreo (the bigger one) and Shayna watching TV - their favorite - the 'Cat Sitter' DVD. "

Monday, February 05, 2007

My Favorite Super Bowl Commercial

"Don't plug me in" was my favorite line in a Super Bowl commercial. Perfect.

Which was your favorite Super Bowl ad? For a recap, go to USA Today's Ad Meter. The top five were:

1. Crabs worship Bud ice chest

2. Fake Dalmatian and the Clydesdales

3. Rock, paper scissors for Bud Light

4. Guy has car accident while eating Doritos

5. Immigrants learn to ask for Bud Light

Can't Beat a Cute Dog in a Super Bowl Commercial

I'm so glad this dog had its day, even if it involved a big mess.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Party Animals at the Plunge

Santa (in his shorts) and his reindeer were all friendly with the polar bears Sunday at the Lewes Polar Bear Plunge. Guess it makes sense that the reindeer would support the Colts in the Super Bowl, but I think we know who the polar bears were backing.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Love Cats Chasing Lasers

This cat looks like he can fly half of the time, and his determination to "get" that laser is unflagging.

Friday, February 02, 2007

A Sweet Treat for Dogs

The food at Happy Dog Healthy Dog always looks so good. Kind of makes me wish I were a pooch. Plus, dogs are welcome in the store, making it a buffet of their dreams.

So, if you live in the Trolley Square area of Wilmington -- and even if you don't -- take a walk or a ride on Saturday morning to treat your dog. I recommend the liver brownie ($2.50) made with chicken liver, apples, yogurt, oat flour, cornmeal, eggs, garlic and parsley.

You can talk about dogs with fellow owners or folks at the store, and watch action in the bakery right behind the main counter. It's pretty cool.

Happy Dog Healthy Dog is at 1825 Delaware Ave.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

New Form of Torture: Cat Washing Machine

You've probably seen the video on YouTube or CNN of the cat washing machine. A title card says, "Kitty spa at pet supplies store."

The machine looks like a front-loading washer. You put the cat in the front door, set the temperature and hit the start button. Water shoots from the bottom of the grated floor and from the ceiling. You can see the tabby is apprehensive after being put in and then that changes to sheer terror as it leaps straight up, paws extended, desperate to find a way out.

It is frightening. It is frightening to watch, and you can only imagine what the cat is thinking. It is clear the cat wants out -- it scratches at the door, jumps and jumps and jumps, and just looks terrorized. It's so awful that I couldn't watch the whole thing and I won't embed it here.

To me, it looked like pure torture. And, yes, washing a cat is never easy, but this cannot and should not be the way to go.