Saturday, October 06, 2007

Why One Family Loves Their Ferrets

Jennifer and I traded e-mail about a pet issue, and in one e-mail she included photos of her family's pet ferrets. In the top photo, that's Gizmo near the dandelions, and the bottom one is Missy, looking exceptionally cute.

Jennifer says they adopted Missy about two years ago from a family that planned to take her to the SPCA. "She is a delight!" she says. They've had Gizmo for about three years.

"Ferrets are a lot of fun," Jennifer wrote. "Both of them have very different personalities. Gizmo is very laid back and, sorry to say, lazy. Missy is on the other end of the energy spectrum. She is always into something. Knocking things off shelves, etc. She is also a huge kleptomanic. We find her 'treasures' everywhere."

And here's a special shout-out to Jennifer's daughter. She's a lover of all kinds of animals, and that's pretty special in my book.

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