Sunday, July 01, 2007

Go, Bulldog, Go

That's Tyson, the skateboarding English bulldog from Huntington Beach, Calif., and star of the iPhone TV commercial.

He's got his own Web site at, he's 5 years old and his owner says he skates every other day. The Web site promises merchandise soon.

And it also offers this quote from Tyson: "I am a skater, who just happens to be a dog. For me, skateboarding is not a trick, it's a lifestyle -- no treats necessary.

Sweet. Does your dog have any special talents? Does he or she do any stupid or smart pet tricks? Go to YouTube and and tag your video "delawareonline." Send me an e-mail to, I'll look for it and use it on my blog. Throw in your name, your dog's name and I'll give you both a shout-out.


Anonymous said...

Geez, he's AMAZING. Ya know, he really seems to kinda know what he's doing. He's got balance.

Anonymous said...

The chicks di g that dog. How cool is that????