Monday, June 12, 2006

Where Pugs Go to Meet

One of the most enthusiastic breed-specific groups I've seen is for pugs. Members of The Philadelphia Pug Meetup Group, which includes Delaware, the Philadelphia area and south Jersey, meets once a month to let their pugs play together, talk about care and to celebrate all things pugs. The site claims 25,293 pug owners/members nationwide.

The pugs partied Saturday at the Rover Romp area at the Talley-Day Park in Brandywine Hundred. It was part of a Delaware, Chester County and Delaware County meetup, and about 100 owners and their dogs attended. In the accompanying photo, Rob Rivera of Aston, Pa., holds 4-month-old Zephram while another dog checks her out.

The next meetup for this offshoot is at 10 a.m. Saturday, July 8. You have to join the group to find out the location, but signup on the site looks pretty painless.

Speaking of pugs, we're going to start an occasional feature in Delaware Pets -- find the latest issue in pet businesses now -- about specific pet breeds. We'll tackle pugs in the Aug. 9 issue.


Anonymous said...

Look at those cute faces

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, it's great to see my pup on the web...but "his" name is Zephram, not Zephran. :-) Exciting anyhow. Thank you! Zephram's mom

Jill said...

Hi Zephram's mom, I'll get this changed in my blog and knuckle the head of the intern who took the photos and gathered the caption info.

Anyway, very cute dog. My husband and I keep talking about getting a pug. Our neighbors' have one and we love Jake.