Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Important Spay/Neuter Legislation

There's a bill in the House Agriculture Committee that would create a Spay/Neuter Fund. It leans to helping low-income people and low-income commuties with controlling the animal population and reducing Delaware's euthanasia rates. Some animal groups enthusiastically support; others are pushing to make the bill more comprehensive. Here's the synopsis:

"Through the creation of a new subchapter this legislation establishes and implements a mandatory pre-adoption spay/neuter program for cats and dogs and a spay/neuter fund. In so doing, the Bill addresses the scope of compliance, eligibility requirements for participation in the spay/neuter fund program, veterinarian participation enhancements, fiscal impact limitations, veterinarian reimbursement, violations, penalties, enforcement, penalty disbursements, program administration expenses and caps and performance measurements and reviews."

A hearing on the bill is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. today in Dover, with Rep. Pamela Thornburg as chair of the ag committe. To contact your legislator, use this link.

1 comment:

Jill said...

HB 425 was reported out of the Ag Committee last week and has been assigned to the House Appropriations Committee. It's going to cost money to set up a spay/neuter fund, and we're going to have to pay for it. Legislators will weigh its merits against everything else that needs money. Rep. Joseph Di Pinto is the chairman of Appropriations. Contact your legislator if you think this is worthy of your tax money.