Thursday, April 13, 2006

Martinis for Mutts (and Cats Too!)

The good people at Faithful Friends are throwing one of their fun quarterly fund-raising parties next week.

Martinis for Mutts and Cats Too! is Thursday evening at Home Grown Cafe, 126 E. Main St. , in Newark. (Complimentary appetizers from 6-8 p.m., and Home Grown has yummy offerings!) Suggested donation is $20, with all proceeds benefiting Faithful Friends, a no-kill shelter in Wilmington that promotes the rescue and adoption of homeless pets and raises the awareness of affordable spay/neuter program. Info: or 427-8514.

OK, enough of the serious stuff. It's for a good cause.

Bring some serious cash with you, too. Faithful Friends will have two raffle baskets: One a wine basket with a Home Grown gift certificate (approx value $100) and the other a pet basket with pet goodies and a gift certificate for dog daycare service at the Doggie Playhouse (approx value $200).

But don't bring your pets. Those darned state laws don't allow pets to mix with the food in a restaurant. Faithful Friends executive director Jane Pierantozzi (pictured, above) says people bring their pet pictures and their pet stories to share instead.

I'm hoping to attend and would love to chat with others who love pets. We'll lift our Appletinis to all of the wonderful creatures.


Anonymous said...

Make mine a Cosmo for my loveable mutt.

Anonymous said...

Just found you threw Blogger. Where are you located? Cool pets info, but make it more national please. REcommend products!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Charlie. We're in Wilmington, Del., and we publish, among many other things, a quarterly pets magazine that is distributed for free in pet-related businesses throughout Delaware.

I'll remember that the blog reaches a wider audience than Delaware, and occasionally I'll throw in some new and cool products. Have some good ones coming up in the June 9 issue, so I'll use the blog to tease those.