Thursday, May 29, 2008

Win a Copy of 'Marley & Me'

"Marley & Me," written by former Philadelphia Inquirer columnist John Grogan, is one of my favorite books. Period.

Be forewarned: Get the tissues ready, because I cried so hard when I was finishing it on a flight that the flight attendant asked me what was wrong.

It's subtitled, "Life and Love With the World's Worst Dog." That would be Marley, who didn't seem all that different than a lot of yellow Labs - and other dogs - I've known. In an interview last year with Delaware Pets, Grogan answered the question about whether lovable Marley really was the world's worst dog.

"I always called him the worst dog with a little bit of a wink," he told writer Claire Bushey. "The short answer is, I don't think Marley's anywhere near the worst dog. He may have been the most hyper dog in the world, but he had a good heart, and he gave us nothing but love and commitment through his whole life."

"Marley & Me" is more than just a story about a puppy named for a reggae star with feet too big for his little body. And it's more than an account of a family growing as their pooch turns into a goofy, mischievious and clumsy 97-pound powerhouse.

At its heart, "Marley & Me" is really a love story. A love story involving a couple, whose family grew to include three children, and who endured heartbreak, multiple jobs, many moves and all that life throws at them. All told through the prism of a incorrigible dog who was kicked out of obedience class, but who also was so intensely loyal that he put his head in the lap of his mistress after a painful miscarriage, stood guard over each Grogan baby and raced to the defense of a stabbing victim.

If you'd like a chance to win a copy of "Marley & Me," now out in paperback, e-mail pets@delawareonline with your favorite story of something goofy that your dog (or cat or other pet) has done. Please include your name, the pet's name, a photo of the pet (optional) and a daytime contact number. We'll turn the "goofy stories" into a story for Delaware Pets, and we'll choose two entries at random to receive a paperback copy of "Marley & Me." Please send your entries by June 20.

If books aren't your thing, "Marley & Me" also is being turned into a movie starring Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston. It's expected in theaters around Christmas. Pack more tissues.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Obama Parrot

This is Smokey, the Barack Obama-loving parrot, who says - what else? - "Yes, we can" when he sees Obama on CNN.

If your parrot say "Go McCain" or "Hil-a-ry," there's got to be 15 minutes of fame for you, too.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Seeking a Sunglasses-Wearing Dog Model and Owner

For the next issue of Delaware Pets, which comes out in early June, freelance writer Denise Morrison Yearian has a very practical story about how to protect your dog from summer's sun and heat.

One of the dangers is heatstroke. Another is sunburn.

"This is particularly true for short, light- or white-coated animals or hairless breeds," says Dr. Daniel Morris, dermatology specialist at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Veterinary Medicine. "The most vulnerable areas are the tips of the ears, noses, eyelids and underbellies-places where little or no hair grows."

To help illustrate the story, we're looking for a dog model who wears Doggles or some kind of sunglasses - and his or her owner - who can come to The News Journal's offices on Basin Road (Del. 141) near New Castle by the middle of next week for a photo shoot.

If you are interested, please e-mail with info about your dog and your contact information. And if you have it, attach a photo of your pooch wearing his or her Doggles or sunglasses. Please put "dog model" in the subject line.

I'll contact someone as soon as possible, and post when we have our willing model.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

E-mail Us Your Sleeping Dogs

Erica Tierney of Claymont sent in several photos of 5-month-old Darley. This is one of her favorites: "This is how she curled up in my lap and fell asleep the day we brought her home."

Is there anything cuter than a sleeping puppy? They seem so oblivious to the whole new world around them.

We need your photos of your dog asleep or falling asleep for a story that reporter robin brown is working on. She's exploring whether dogs dream and exactly how they do sleep. Do they have the deep REM sleep that humans have, for starters? We'll include many of the photos in a photo gallery, too, on

Please e-mail your photos to, write "sleeping dogs" in the subject line and include your name, the dog's name, which city you live in, a few details about the photo and a daytime contact number.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Tippy and Polly and the Parade

First, my video and post-production skills leave something to be desired - I can't even figure out how to get the video turned the right way - but turn your head to the side so you can see Tippy Longstocking, a rat terrier, pulling Polly Pocket, a long-haired chihuahua, in a wagon during the Delaware City Pet Parade.

The dogs belong to Patty Barber of Delaware City, who was so very sweet. She says she knew Tippy was a strong puller when she used to pull Patty while she was on roller skates.

The dogs also had on great T-shirts that said, "Bee Kind to Our Earth."

They were one of the hits of the parade.

Most Original at the Pet Parade

Charles Baulk Jr., a patient care technician at Christiana Care, carried the medical theme with his three miniature Australian shepherds all the way to first place for most original costume at Saturday's Delaware Ciy Pet Parade.

Baulk dressed up (from left) Alyssa, Mya and Kiah as doctor, patient and nurse. The combo won over the three judges, and Baulk, of Newark, went home $100 richer.

Now, that's what you call a good bedside manner.

Met My First Dalmadora

I met my first Dalmadora - a combination of a black Lab and a Dalmatian - at Saturday's Delaware City Pet Parade. I had put my camera away and we were hustling to get home, so I didn't get a photo or even the name of the people who had the dog.

If you have a Dalmadora, can you e-mail me a photo of your dog to I'll replace the photo above and include some info about your pooch.

Fun at the Delaware City Pet Parade

My sister and I took in the Delaware City Pet Parade on Saturday - and so did plenty of others. Among those we met along Clinton Street - before, during and after the parade - were Teal Oberholtzer of Smyrna and Drake, his yellow Lab, all dressed up for baseball season.

What made Drake's outfit - in addition to the pants (with a belt) and a great-looking ball cap - were the batting glove sticking out of his right back pocket and the stirrup socks. So, major league! Drake and Teal won for funniest costume.

After the parade, we talked with the Rogers family and met Reese, a 1-year-old female pug dressed as a Hula girl. The dog belonged to William Rogers of Elkton, Md. William's mother says he saved his money to buy the dog from a breeder in Lancaster, Pa. The outfit came from Build-a-Bear. And we can report that Reese (pronounced ree-cee) didn't mind at all. Love that grass skirt! Reese and William won second place for funniest costume.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Photo of the Day: All Cute Dogs

How's that for some cute dogs? Five of them! Love the crook of their heads.

Kate, who is an animal rescue transporter, Best Friends Animal Society ambassador, Washington Animal Rescue League volunteer and Georgetown Delaware SPCA volunteer, sent me this via e-mail.

Her cute pack, as she calls her four Jack Russells and one Labrador, is (from left): Buster, Shadow (who has since passed away) Jackson, Addison and Katie.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Do You Worry About Sunburned Pets?

With the sunny and hot weather apparently directly in front of us, it's a good time to consider how summer affects our pets, especially dogs, who spend time outdoors.

Denise Morrison Yearian, one of our freelance writers, is working on that very story for the next issue of Delaware Pets. She's found plenty of pet owners who deal with the heat side of summer. What she needs is someone who has to worry about their dogs (or other pets) - because of light-colored or thin-coated fur - having problems with sunburn.

If you pet has been sunburned or you worry about it, please e-mail contact info to me at, and I'll get Denise in touch with you.

Thanks for the help - and the insight.