Friday, December 29, 2006

To Zelda, With Love

Oh, to be an adorable but sassy English bulldog named Zelda. Your can spout such life mottos as: "When you're the Queen ... you can do anything" and "Enjoy life ... this is not a rehearsal. You get a prominent spot on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" and you get your own calendars.

The Zelda Wisdom wall calendar (top one) is $11.04 on and the day-to-day calendar (bottom one) is $11.61 on amazon. Hold on for a couple of days and all of the calendars usually go on sale at those kiosks in the mall.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

A Shout-out to a New Dogs Blog

Rand, who was featured on the October issue of Delaware Pets with his German shepherd Zoey (in her Dracula costume), has put out the word about a new blog attached to his Wilmington Crazy Dogs meetup group. Here's how Rand explains the group:

"Crazy Dogs is a loosely knit club/organization of Dog Owners and their faithful friends. We typically have monthly meet-ups at locations in the Delaware Valley. We arrange events and get-togethers for all dogs, both on-leash and off-leash. Small dogs, medium dogs, big dogs, and dog dogs are all invited to our meetups.

"We strive to communicate pet-oriented events and happenings in the area to other dog owners, and enjoy sharing training techniques, tips, and best ways to keep our dogs both physically and mentally happy as contributors to our own humanity and well-being. Dogs are people too!"

The Wilmington Crazy Dogs Meetup Group plans to meet next at 10:30 a.m. Jan. 14 at Rockford Park. If it sounds like a group you'd like to join, go to and search for the group's name. Tell 'em Jill sent you.

My Favorite (Pets) Christmas Card

My friend Heidi, who lives in a Las Vegas suburb, sent us this Christmas card. I don't think she even knows I have a pets blog or edit a magazine devoted to pets. It's great, and notice the hamster at the top putting on the star. Great detail -- love that PhotoShop!

Pets, Pets, Pets Everywhere You Go

We made a quick trip to spend a couple of days of the holiday week with my husband's family in Arkansas. On our way back Wednesday evening, we saw a cute Maltese in a fancy carrying case in the Memphis airport.

Turns out Butch -- he sure didn't look like he fit his name -- was on our flight back to Philadelphia. We talked with his owner as we waited at baggage claim. (Photo is of a generic Maltese, not Butch, because I did not have a camera with me.)

He travels by air about three times a year and didn't bark at all during the flight. His owner said the 4-year-old pooch was restless, and he was shivering as she held him at the baggage carousel. She said Butch had a great time during the holidays, but the 3-year-old and 5-year-old kids they were staying with thought he was a wind-up toy.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Hope Your Christmas Was Very Merry

Christmas is such a wonderful day of family, food and way too much fun. The people who made this video had too much fun, too -- Santa on a motorcycle. Roll, Santa, roll.

Make sure you watch until the end to see who surprises Santa with a visit.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas to All Creatures

Merry Christmas to all creatures and their human companions.

Here's hoping your humans have remembered a present under the tree for you, or a pet stocking on the mantle. There's a great pet paw stocking for your furry companion. If you didn't get one before Christmas, make sure to stock up during the post-holiday sales. (A 12-inch one was on sale today for $3.49 at

Tonight and on Christmas Day, remember no chocolate for creatures. Keep it off the floor and tables so they aren't tempted.

And take your dog -- or cat, if he or she is no motivated -- for a walk. It'll be good exercise for you and your furry companion, and will give your pet some alone time with you. Holidays are hectic; they need your undivided attention for a few minutes, too.

Merry Christmas, pet lovers and blog readers! Here's to great times with wonderful pets in 2007!

Friday, December 22, 2006

You've Gotta See This Video

OK, I have to fess up. I saw a screen capture of this in Newsweek this week and went searching for it on YouTube. But this video does not disappoint. This dog is amazingly agile and very smart. He/she can skateboard, and I can't. The most amazing part isn't the riding; it's the stopping and the starting again. Wow.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Holiday Photo of the Day

Er, I think Santa needs to invest in some vitamins for his reindeer.

Actually, that's Chico, the 3-year-old Chihuahua of Patty Gallegos of Dover, getting his photo taken with Santa during the Kent County SPCA's Holiday Open House earlier this month. Tip of the Santa hat to freelance photographer Jason Minto for capturing the special holiday moment.

Holiday Feel-Good Story of the Day

If you ever wonder about the tenacity of pets to survive under trying conditions and their determination to return to their human companions, read this Associated Press story about Athena, a little black cat. It's your holiday feel-good story of the day.

PIKESVILLE, Md. -- Ali Streimer chose a good name for Athena, a little black cat with green eyes that made it back home after getting off a bus at the wrong stop.

Athena - who shares her name with the Greek goddess of wisdom and skill, among other things - found her way to her owner’s arms three weeks after being chased off the New York-bound bus.

Ali Streimer had fallen asleep while riding the bus Thanksgiving weekend from Pikesville, the Baltimore suburb where her parents live, back to New York, where she lives. Athena, meanwhile, managed to free herself from her carrying case, began strolling through the bus and was let off by the driver about 20 miles into the trip. The driver assumed the cat was a stowaway because passengers are not allowed to bring pets onto the bus, a rule Streimer did not know about at the time.

After three weeks of frantic searching, Athena was spotted near the bus stop where Streimer and Athena first boarded the bus. Athena was "freaked," family members said, and it took several hours for Streimer and her father to catch her.

"It's amazing," Streimer told The Baltimore Examiner in a telephone interview from New York.
"It was just the timing; we got lucky."

A trip to the vet confirmed Athena was in good health despite the three-week ordeal, Streimer said.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Holiday Photo of the Day

C.R. McLeod sent this gem via e-mail. He writes: "Patrick is a 4-month-old lab-chow mix trying to get into the holiday spirit!"

Me, too, Patrick. Me, too.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Calendar of the Day

OK, I know I have a bias toward pugs. But tell me that isn't the cute calendar cover you've seen. Pug Puppies is $12.99 at amazon.

An Early -- and Cool -- Christmas Gift

I found a Christmas gift in my office when I got back from vacation. The card said: "How many light bulbs does it take to save the polar bear? One. And here it is."

Inside a red-and-green pouch tied up with a red ribbon was a 15-watt compact fluorescent light blub with a projected longevity of 10,000 hours. A wooden cutout of a polar with a light brown heart stamped on it was attached.

The card explained how polar bears face extinction by the end of the century because of high energy consumption and global warming. Even if you don't believe the science, how can you argue with a compact fluorescent bulb that uses 75 percent less energy and can last as long as 10 regular bulbs.

So let's recap: I can save money, energy and the polar bear by using a twisty light bulb. That's a win-win-win. Super sweet.

Happy Hanukkah to All of Our Pet Friends

I stumbled across this plush pet toy menorah in October, and I'm bringing it back to say Happy Hanukkah to all of our pet friends -- furry and otherwise. The 13-inch Interactive Menorah Plush Toy ($26.86 at ) has nine, removable plush candles to help even your furry companions celebrate the holiday.

Happy Hanukkah, indeed.

One More Penguin Item

I did a story for the Life section a week ago on the power of penguins this holiday season. They're everywhere -- in movie theaters, on cereal boxes, in flu-fighting ads, on slippers. One of my favorite products is this penguin candy dispenser (above, $8.50) at Hallmark stores. Push down on the top of the penguin -- and woosh -- out come her eggs ($4 for a 6-ounce package of gourmet jelly beans). Ha, if birth were only that easy!

Anyway, if you're looking for a last-minute stocking stuffer, this bird is a gem.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

After 5 Days in Vegas

After five days and four nights in Las Vegas -- a city that literally never sleeps -- this kitten and I have a lot in common, including sleep deprivation. Good night to all.

Carry Your Dog with You Always

One of many favorite things that I saw in Las Vegas was a cart at the Tropicana selling pet stuff, including small purses shaped like dogs. I didn't have time to browse, but I looked them up when we got home.

I found a site that sells 10- to 15-inch purses that are shaped like and come in such breeds as dachshund, Bichon Frise, schnauzer, pug, Boston terrier, Yorkie, Pomeranian and many more for $35 and free shipping. (Sorry, no Great Danes or Saint Bernards.) They do look real and certainly would make a great Christmas gift for your favorite dog lover. She can carry her pooch as her pouch.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Add These to Your Web Favorites

The Washington Post found a couple of cool pets sites. Thought I'd pass them along -- with photos from each -- with due credit:

"Some cats are like clockwork -- at least the ones on are. Every day at 10:07 a.m. (ET), the site uploads a new kitten photo. If browsing isn't enough, you can also comment. (Although how many different ways are there to say, 'Awwww?') (That's Bootes and Barkley above.)

"If you're still not meeting your warm-and-fuzzy quotient, you can go on to, which manages even to make baby rodents look, well, cute."

Today's Cute Holiday Photo

Do I really need to say anything? I wish I only had a dog that would fit that shirt. By the way, this Dickens' Closet Holiday Kiss Me Tee is on sale at Petco for $8.07, plus shipping.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Cute Holiday Photo of the Day

I can't even remember which pet store this came from, but have you ever seen anything cuter on a pug?

TV Alert: Happy Dog Healthy Dog on Ch. 6 Tonight

If you get a chance this evening, tune in Channel 6 to catch a segment on Happy Dog Healthy Dog. Here's the e-mail alert from the Wilmington store"

"Just wanted to give everyone the heads up to tune into Action News Channel 6 from Philadelphia tonight for the 5 p.m. broadcast.

"Channel 6 was at Happy Dog Healthy Dog today to do a story on 'Tiny Tim,' a 5-month-old puppy that we are helping through “Diamonds for Dogs.” This little guy has a very badly broken leg and was found roaming the streets of Wilmington. He was scheduled to be put down yesterday, but because of many caring people he now has a second chance. His story will be told tonight on the 5 p.m. newscast and may air later tonight as well."

God bless us everyone, indeed.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Let There Be Peace Among Pets

For the holiday season, we have peace -- and lookalikes. That kitten is so adorable.

Pet Show on Saturday at Nur Shrine Center

The Shriners are good guys in great hats who help injured or sick kids. On Saturday, the Nur Shriners near New Castle are sponsoring their first pet show from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at their center, U.S. 13, near the U.S. 13-40 split. Admission and parking are free.

Dave Cauffman, who is organizing the event, says you can bring your own pets, but they need to be on a leash or in a pet carrier, and they need to be sociable. Kind of like the Shriners.

"One guy is going to bring his parrot," Cauffman says. "I said, 'You know there are going to be cats there?' "

And dogs and lizards, and probably a snake or two. Who knows what else might arrive.

Cauffman says he's got 19 vendors lined up, including the Delaware Humane Association, Delaware SPCA, Whiskazz and Pawzz, Delaware Puppy Rescue and Pampered Pets. The Delaware State Police will do a K-9 demonstration. Santa will be there to pose for photos with your pets, your kids or both.

And Cauffman says they'll have contests, lots and lots of contests -- best dressed, obedience, looks like owner, best St. Bernard (in honor of his late dog Erik). Check out the Nur Web site to see the rest of the categories and the corresponding time for each. Registration for the contests is $5 per category.

A New Take on What Cats and Dogs Are Thinking

The pets stuff just keeps coming at me, so be prepared for a flurry of posts. First up, a little fun. Make sure you read to the end. Are these your dogs and cats?

Excerpts from a Dog's Daily Diary:

8am: Dog food! My favorite thing!
9:30am: A car ride! My favorite thing!
9:40am: Walk in the park! My favorite thing!
10:30am: Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
Noon: Lunch! My favorite thing!
1pm: Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
3pm: Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!
5pm: Milk bones! My favorite thing!
7pm: Got to play ball! My favorite thing!
8pm: Wow! Watched TV with my master! My favorite thing!
11pm: Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!

Excerpts from a Cat's Daily Diary:

Day 683 of my captivity: My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre, dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other " inmates" and myself are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape.. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the floor.

Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a "good little hunter" I am. The audacity!

There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of "allergies." I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.

Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow -- but at the top of the stairs. I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released -- and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously [brainwashed]! The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicating with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. The captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe....... for now...

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Hobbes Shows 'Em Who's Boss at the Vet

My friend Holly sent me this great e-mail about that most universal of topics -- taking your pet to the vet -- and she said I could post it and the accompanying photo. Mark is Holly's husband; Hobbes is Holly's cat.

"Mark took Hobbes to the vet today.

"He rejected the X-rays. (advantage Hobbes=1)

"He bit himself on the gums and made himself bleed. (advantage Hobbes for sympathy points=2)

"He pooped on Mark. (advantage Hobbes=5)

"By my count...Hobbes 8, rest of the world 0

"Health update: breathing better now, on antibiotics. No need to take him off your Christmas lists just yet."

Monday, December 04, 2006

Andrea Levine's Jewelry on 'The Today Show'

Andrea Levine of Forest Hills Park (above with her Westie Duffy), who is featured in the latest issue of Delaware Pets, had her jewelry designs showcased on "The Today Show" this morning.

Levine, a private jeweler who meets clients by appointment only at her Independence Hall location, designs pet-inspired jewelry for owners and their favorite creatures. Some of her prominent clients include avid animal fans Mary Tyler Moore and Bernadetter Peters. "Today Show" host Natalie Morales oohed over the leashes and collars studded with diamonds, and matching jewelry and accessories for owners. Prices vary from $300 to thousands.

Levine says her jewelry also is to be featured on MTV. For more information, call 888-1488 or (866) 912-7333.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Oh, So Huggable

This puppy doesn't do much, but how can you pass up a Shar-Pei puppy looking so darned adorable on Monday morning? It looks like a battery-powered stuffed animal. Very cute.